A Chef's Life

A Chef's Life is an American documentary-style cooking show created by Cynthia Hill (Markay Media) and Vivian Howard. The series is produced by Markay Media and is broadcast by PBS. The series premiered September 7, 2013. The show won a Peabody Award on April 2, 2014 and a Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Directing in a Lifestyle/Culinary/Travel Program on April 26, 2015.The show was also nominated for a Daytime Emmy in 2015 for Outstanding Single Camera Photography and was a 2014 James Beard broadcast award finalist.

A Chef's Life

A Chef's Life is an American documentary-style cooking show created by Cynthia Hill (Markay Media) and Vivian Howard. The series is produced by Markay Media and is broadcast by PBS. The series premiered September 7, 2013. The show won a Peabody Award on April 2, 2014 and a Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Directing in a Lifestyle/Culinary/Travel Program on April 26, 2015.The show was also nominated for a Daytime Emmy in 2015 for Outstanding Single Camera Photography and was a 2014 James Beard broadcast award finalist.