
Anyuyskiy (Анюйский) is a volcano in far eastern Russia, north of the Kamchatka Peninsula. It is formed by two systems, one is formed by long fissure vents which gave rise to lava flows which disrupted the valley of the Monni River. Later, a volcanic cone formed, experiencing explosive activity and eventually extruding a long lava flow. The total volume of the lava erupted by the volcano exceeded one cubic kilometre. The volcano was considered to have been active during the 14th and 18th centuries, but radiometric dating has shown ages of almost 250,000 years ago.


Anyuyskiy (Анюйский) is a volcano in far eastern Russia, north of the Kamchatka Peninsula. It is formed by two systems, one is formed by long fissure vents which gave rise to lava flows which disrupted the valley of the Monni River. Later, a volcanic cone formed, experiencing explosive activity and eventually extruding a long lava flow. The total volume of the lava erupted by the volcano exceeded one cubic kilometre. The volcano was considered to have been active during the 14th and 18th centuries, but radiometric dating has shown ages of almost 250,000 years ago.