Callerya megasperma

Callerya megasperma, also known as native wisteria, is a species of vine in the family Fabaceae native to eastern Australia. It was initially described as Wistaria megasperma by Ferdinand von Mueller in 1859 from a specimen collected at the Richmond River. It was long known as Millettia megasperma, having been renamed by George Bentham in his Flora Australiensis in 1864. It was given its current binomial name in 1994 by A.M. Schot. Its species name is derived from the Ancient Greek words megas "large" and sperma "seed", and refers to its large seeds.

Callerya megasperma

Callerya megasperma, also known as native wisteria, is a species of vine in the family Fabaceae native to eastern Australia. It was initially described as Wistaria megasperma by Ferdinand von Mueller in 1859 from a specimen collected at the Richmond River. It was long known as Millettia megasperma, having been renamed by George Bentham in his Flora Australiensis in 1864. It was given its current binomial name in 1994 by A.M. Schot. Its species name is derived from the Ancient Greek words megas "large" and sperma "seed", and refers to its large seeds.