
Chireta is an Aragonese type of haggis. It is a flavorful rustic dish typical to the counties of Ribagorza, Sobrarbe and Somontano de Barbastro, high up in the Spanish Pyrenees. In the Catalan counties of Alta Ribagorça and Pallars, formerly territories united to the historic County of Ribagorza in medieval Aragon, chireta is known as gireta, or girella, respectively. Chireta literally means "inside out"—i.e., the sheep's intestines which make up the casings are cleaned and turned inside out for a smoother, more appetizing appearance.


Chireta is an Aragonese type of haggis. It is a flavorful rustic dish typical to the counties of Ribagorza, Sobrarbe and Somontano de Barbastro, high up in the Spanish Pyrenees. In the Catalan counties of Alta Ribagorça and Pallars, formerly territories united to the historic County of Ribagorza in medieval Aragon, chireta is known as gireta, or girella, respectively. Chireta literally means "inside out"—i.e., the sheep's intestines which make up the casings are cleaned and turned inside out for a smoother, more appetizing appearance.