Cimino family

Cimino or Cimini is the name of one, two or many different families possibly originating from Orvieto. The origin of the name is disputed, but certainly a branch of the family has taken the name from the Cimini Hills, in Latium. The origin of the Cimini name in this context goes back to the Etruscan era. The use of Cimini as a family name can be traced through history. In a study of family names in Roman Legions, the name DeCiminus is found C. Catullius DeCiminus of Troyes was a Roman Federal priest of the Roman Cult in 210 AD, who dies in Lyon. The name Ciminius is also documented in "Repertorium nominum gentilium et cognominum latinorum" Additionally the "The Journal of Archaeology" states "Ciminius" as a known gentilitium nomina in ancient Rome The ending "nius" is a clear indicator t

Cimino family

Cimino or Cimini is the name of one, two or many different families possibly originating from Orvieto. The origin of the name is disputed, but certainly a branch of the family has taken the name from the Cimini Hills, in Latium. The origin of the Cimini name in this context goes back to the Etruscan era. The use of Cimini as a family name can be traced through history. In a study of family names in Roman Legions, the name DeCiminus is found C. Catullius DeCiminus of Troyes was a Roman Federal priest of the Roman Cult in 210 AD, who dies in Lyon. The name Ciminius is also documented in "Repertorium nominum gentilium et cognominum latinorum" Additionally the "The Journal of Archaeology" states "Ciminius" as a known gentilitium nomina in ancient Rome The ending "nius" is a clear indicator t