
DailyTech is an online daily publication of technology news, founded by ex-AnandTech editor Kristopher Kubicki on January 1, 2006. The site features a prominent "comments" section that acts as the forums for the publication. Users are able to moderate or respond to each post, a template the editor admits borrowing from Slashdot. The operating revenue for DailyTech is primarily dependent on advertising, with syndication of their news feed also providing some revenue. As of early December 2015 the website seems inactive without any notice. In mid July 2016, the web address quit functioning but has since resumed and new articles are being published regularly again.


DailyTech is an online daily publication of technology news, founded by ex-AnandTech editor Kristopher Kubicki on January 1, 2006. The site features a prominent "comments" section that acts as the forums for the publication. Users are able to moderate or respond to each post, a template the editor admits borrowing from Slashdot. The operating revenue for DailyTech is primarily dependent on advertising, with syndication of their news feed also providing some revenue. As of early December 2015 the website seems inactive without any notice. In mid July 2016, the web address quit functioning but has since resumed and new articles are being published regularly again.