Gold (hieroglyph)

The ancient Egyptian Gold hieroglyph is a member of the crowns, dress, staves hieroglyphs. Its major importance is as one of the Fivefold Titulary names of the Egyptian pharaoh, the Horus of Gold name. The gold hieroglyph is used as a determinative in the names of precious metals, and as an ideogram in nbw, "gold", ("nbu"). The hieroglyph is an Egyptian language biliteral with the value of nb. The hieroglyph is a large gold and pearl necklace. Old Kingdom scenes show dwarfs metalworking the gold, and "stringing the pearls of gold".

Gold (hieroglyph)

The ancient Egyptian Gold hieroglyph is a member of the crowns, dress, staves hieroglyphs. Its major importance is as one of the Fivefold Titulary names of the Egyptian pharaoh, the Horus of Gold name. The gold hieroglyph is used as a determinative in the names of precious metals, and as an ideogram in nbw, "gold", ("nbu"). The hieroglyph is an Egyptian language biliteral with the value of nb. The hieroglyph is a large gold and pearl necklace. Old Kingdom scenes show dwarfs metalworking the gold, and "stringing the pearls of gold".