Internet Party (Spain)

The Internet Party (Partido de Internet in Spanish) is a political party founded in 2009 in Spain that tries to develop a liquid democracy system within the current legal system. The Internet Party has no ideology. They support an open list system where the elected members act representing the decisions taken by citizens in the Internet platform. During the Spanish general election 2011, the Internet Party presented 8 candidates in the electoral district of Cádiz and received 603 votes (0.09%).

Internet Party (Spain)

The Internet Party (Partido de Internet in Spanish) is a political party founded in 2009 in Spain that tries to develop a liquid democracy system within the current legal system. The Internet Party has no ideology. They support an open list system where the elected members act representing the decisions taken by citizens in the Internet platform. During the Spanish general election 2011, the Internet Party presented 8 candidates in the electoral district of Cádiz and received 603 votes (0.09%).