List of female freestyle wrestlers

This is a list of female freestyle wrestlers, in alphabetical order. * Anna Gomis * Kyoko Hamaguchi * Chiharu Icho * Kaori Icho * Lise Legrand * Gouzel Maniourova * Sara McMann * Irini Merleni * Randi Miller * Patricia Miranda * Tonya Verbeek * Saori Yoshida * Wang Xu

List of female freestyle wrestlers

This is a list of female freestyle wrestlers, in alphabetical order. * Anna Gomis * Kyoko Hamaguchi * Chiharu Icho * Kaori Icho * Lise Legrand * Gouzel Maniourova * Sara McMann * Irini Merleni * Randi Miller * Patricia Miranda * Tonya Verbeek * Saori Yoshida * Wang Xu