Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model

The Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) is an extension to the Standard Model that realizes supersymmetry. MSSM is the minimal supersymmetrical model as it considers only "the [minimum] number of new particle states and new interactions consistent with phenomenology". Supersymmetry pairs bosons with fermions; therefore every Standard Model particle has a partner that has yet to be discovered. If the superparticles are found, it may be analogous to discovering dark matter and depending on the details of what might be found, it could provide evidence for grand unification and might even, in principle, provide hints as to whether string theory describes nature. The failure to find evidence for supersymmetry using the Large Hadron Collider since 2010 has led to suggestions that the t

Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model

The Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) is an extension to the Standard Model that realizes supersymmetry. MSSM is the minimal supersymmetrical model as it considers only "the [minimum] number of new particle states and new interactions consistent with phenomenology". Supersymmetry pairs bosons with fermions; therefore every Standard Model particle has a partner that has yet to be discovered. If the superparticles are found, it may be analogous to discovering dark matter and depending on the details of what might be found, it could provide evidence for grand unification and might even, in principle, provide hints as to whether string theory describes nature. The failure to find evidence for supersymmetry using the Large Hadron Collider since 2010 has led to suggestions that the t