Mudoko dako

A mudoko dako (also known as mudoko daka or dano mulokere) is an effeminate male who is considered by Langi society to be a different gender, though were mostly treated as woman among the Langi in Uganda. Mudoko dako could be also be found among the Teso and the Karamojan people. Recognition of the mudoko dako can be traced back prior to colonialism in Africa.

Mudoko dako

A mudoko dako (also known as mudoko daka or dano mulokere) is an effeminate male who is considered by Langi society to be a different gender, though were mostly treated as woman among the Langi in Uganda. Mudoko dako could be also be found among the Teso and the Karamojan people. Recognition of the mudoko dako can be traced back prior to colonialism in Africa.