Puyuma language

The Puyuma language or Pinuyumayan (Chinese: 卑南語; pinyin: Pēinán Yǔ) is the language of the Puyuma people, a tribe of indigenous people on Taiwan (see Taiwanese aborigines). It is a divergent Formosan language of the Austronesian family. Most speakers are older adults. Puyuma is one of the more divergent of the Austronesian languages, and falls outside reconstructions of Proto-Austronesian.

Puyuma language

The Puyuma language or Pinuyumayan (Chinese: 卑南語; pinyin: Pēinán Yǔ) is the language of the Puyuma people, a tribe of indigenous people on Taiwan (see Taiwanese aborigines). It is a divergent Formosan language of the Austronesian family. Most speakers are older adults. Puyuma is one of the more divergent of the Austronesian languages, and falls outside reconstructions of Proto-Austronesian.