REGI Base Foundation

The REGI Base Foundation is a nonprofit organization based in Prague, Czech Republic, whose goal is to ensure the best possible treatment for veterans of foreign wars. With a state-of-the-art facility currently being constructed in Svémyslice, Czech Republic, wounded veterans will be able to socialize, recover, and progress with fellow veterans who have similar conditions. The intent is to provide a location where wounded warriors can receive year-round care if they cannot be treated at home or by the state.

REGI Base Foundation

The REGI Base Foundation is a nonprofit organization based in Prague, Czech Republic, whose goal is to ensure the best possible treatment for veterans of foreign wars. With a state-of-the-art facility currently being constructed in Svémyslice, Czech Republic, wounded veterans will be able to socialize, recover, and progress with fellow veterans who have similar conditions. The intent is to provide a location where wounded warriors can receive year-round care if they cannot be treated at home or by the state.