Società Anonima Decostruzionismi Organici

The S.A.D.O. (Società Anonima Decostruzionismi Organici, Anonymous Society of Organic Deconstructionisms) band took shape in 1994 in Italy, from the Arcansiel group (Gianni Opezzo, Paolo Baltaro and Sandro Marinoni), with Diego Marzi on percussion. In the same year, they recorded the songs that would be included in Implosioni, their first album. One year later, in 1995, they recorded Teratoarchetipia, followed by La Differanza in 2002. In the meantime, the group went on tour in Italy and Europe. In 2007, with Boris Savoldelli on vocals, Luigi Ranghino on piano, and Andrea Beccaro on drums joining in, they recorded Holzwege (published by AMS) and carried out a live sound deconstruction in seven movements based on the seven propositions from the "Tractatus Logico Philosophicus" by Ludwig Wit

Società Anonima Decostruzionismi Organici

The S.A.D.O. (Società Anonima Decostruzionismi Organici, Anonymous Society of Organic Deconstructionisms) band took shape in 1994 in Italy, from the Arcansiel group (Gianni Opezzo, Paolo Baltaro and Sandro Marinoni), with Diego Marzi on percussion. In the same year, they recorded the songs that would be included in Implosioni, their first album. One year later, in 1995, they recorded Teratoarchetipia, followed by La Differanza in 2002. In the meantime, the group went on tour in Italy and Europe. In 2007, with Boris Savoldelli on vocals, Luigi Ranghino on piano, and Andrea Beccaro on drums joining in, they recorded Holzwege (published by AMS) and carried out a live sound deconstruction in seven movements based on the seven propositions from the "Tractatus Logico Philosophicus" by Ludwig Wit