Space (miniseries)

Space is a television mini-series created by CBS in 1985 that starred James Garner as Sen. Norman Grant. It is based on a novel of the same name by James A. Michener published in 1982. The program is also called James A. Michener's Space. Like the novel, the mini-series is a fictionalised history of the United States space program. "Space" won an Emmy Award, for film sound mixing. It originally aired from April 14 through 18, 1985, and consisted of five parts running a total of 13 hours. In subsequent showings, it was cut to nine hours.

Space (miniseries)

Space is a television mini-series created by CBS in 1985 that starred James Garner as Sen. Norman Grant. It is based on a novel of the same name by James A. Michener published in 1982. The program is also called James A. Michener's Space. Like the novel, the mini-series is a fictionalised history of the United States space program. "Space" won an Emmy Award, for film sound mixing. It originally aired from April 14 through 18, 1985, and consisted of five parts running a total of 13 hours. In subsequent showings, it was cut to nine hours.