Springfield Up

"Springfield Up" is the thirteenth episode of the eighteenth season of The Simpsons. It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on February 18, 2007. In the episode, filmmaker Declan Desmond (Eric Idle) returns to Springfield to film the continuation of his documentary series Growing Up Springfield, which chronicles the lives of several Springfield residents. He visits the town with a film crew every eight years to see how the lives of these people have changed, a plot which parodies Up Series in Britain. "Springfield Up" has received generally positive reviews from critics.

Springfield Up

"Springfield Up" is the thirteenth episode of the eighteenth season of The Simpsons. It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on February 18, 2007. In the episode, filmmaker Declan Desmond (Eric Idle) returns to Springfield to film the continuation of his documentary series Growing Up Springfield, which chronicles the lives of several Springfield residents. He visits the town with a film crew every eight years to see how the lives of these people have changed, a plot which parodies Up Series in Britain. "Springfield Up" has received generally positive reviews from critics.