Stable range condition

In mathematics, particular in abstract algebra, the stable range of a ring R is the smallest integer n such that if elements v0, ... , vn in R generate the unit ideal (they form a unimodular row), then for some t1, ... , tn in R the elements vi - v0ti, for 1 < i < n also generate the unit ideal. If R is a commutative Noetherian ring of Krull dimension d, then the stable range of R is at most d + 1 (a theorem of Bass).

Stable range condition

In mathematics, particular in abstract algebra, the stable range of a ring R is the smallest integer n such that if elements v0, ... , vn in R generate the unit ideal (they form a unimodular row), then for some t1, ... , tn in R the elements vi - v0ti, for 1 < i < n also generate the unit ideal. If R is a commutative Noetherian ring of Krull dimension d, then the stable range of R is at most d + 1 (a theorem of Bass).