TOFOP (an acronym of Thirty Odd Foot Of Podcast) is a weekly Australian comedy podcast created and hosted by Wil Anderson and Charlie Clausen, and launched in July 2010. Episodes are roughly an hour in length, and primarily consist of casual conversations between hosts Anderson and Clausen on a variety of recurring themes, including film, popular culture, and sport. Also commonly featured in the podcast were humorous personal anecdotes, and detailed discussions on bizarre hypothetical situations. Following significant media coverage in June 2012, TOFOP rose to become the most popular comedy podcast in Australia.


TOFOP (an acronym of Thirty Odd Foot Of Podcast) is a weekly Australian comedy podcast created and hosted by Wil Anderson and Charlie Clausen, and launched in July 2010. Episodes are roughly an hour in length, and primarily consist of casual conversations between hosts Anderson and Clausen on a variety of recurring themes, including film, popular culture, and sport. Also commonly featured in the podcast were humorous personal anecdotes, and detailed discussions on bizarre hypothetical situations. Following significant media coverage in June 2012, TOFOP rose to become the most popular comedy podcast in Australia.