The Humpty Dumpty Circus

The Humpty Dumpty Circus is an animated short film made in 1898 by director and producer J. Stuart Blackton and Albert E. Smith, the Anglo-American founders of Vitagraph Studios. The short was the first American film to use the stop-motion technique, and featured a circus with acrobats and animals in motion. According to Smith, they used his daughter's set of small circus dolls, which had jointed limbs so they could be balanced in place.

The Humpty Dumpty Circus

The Humpty Dumpty Circus is an animated short film made in 1898 by director and producer J. Stuart Blackton and Albert E. Smith, the Anglo-American founders of Vitagraph Studios. The short was the first American film to use the stop-motion technique, and featured a circus with acrobats and animals in motion. According to Smith, they used his daughter's set of small circus dolls, which had jointed limbs so they could be balanced in place.