The Neighbors (2012 TV series)

The Neighbors is an American television science fiction sitcom that aired from September 26, 2012, to April 11, 2014, on ABC. The story line revolves around a family of humans living in a community of extraterrestrials. The series was created by Dan Fogelman, who also served as executive producer. Chris Koch, Jeffrey Morton, and Aaron Kaplan served as co-producers, and the first season was produced by ABC Studios and Kapital Entertainment. On October 29, 2012, The Neighbors was given a full-season order of 22 episodes. On May 9, 2014, ABC canceled The Neighbors after two seasons.

The Neighbors (2012 TV series)

The Neighbors is an American television science fiction sitcom that aired from September 26, 2012, to April 11, 2014, on ABC. The story line revolves around a family of humans living in a community of extraterrestrials. The series was created by Dan Fogelman, who also served as executive producer. Chris Koch, Jeffrey Morton, and Aaron Kaplan served as co-producers, and the first season was produced by ABC Studios and Kapital Entertainment. On October 29, 2012, The Neighbors was given a full-season order of 22 episodes. On May 9, 2014, ABC canceled The Neighbors after two seasons.