Watir Quta

Watir Quta (Aymara watiri darner, someone who darns holes in clothes, quta lake, "darner lake", also spelled Bater Kkota) is a lake in the Andes of Bolivia. It is situated in the La Paz Department, Inquisivi Province, Quime Municipality. The river Chaka Jawira which connects Watir Quta with the lakes south-east of it flows through the lake. Its waters run to the La Paz River.

Watir Quta

Watir Quta (Aymara watiri darner, someone who darns holes in clothes, quta lake, "darner lake", also spelled Bater Kkota) is a lake in the Andes of Bolivia. It is situated in the La Paz Department, Inquisivi Province, Quime Municipality. The river Chaka Jawira which connects Watir Quta with the lakes south-east of it flows through the lake. Its waters run to the La Paz River.