AEZ railcar

The AEZ railcar is a self-propelled, electric, multiple-unit train used by the state railway of Chile, Empresa de los Ferrocarriles del Estado (EFE). The railcars were used to service the electrified sections of line between Santiago, Valparaiso, Chillán, and Concepción, as well as used occasionally to service Temuco and Osorno. Six units were built and were numbered AEZ-41 to AEZ-46.

AEZ railcar

The AEZ railcar is a self-propelled, electric, multiple-unit train used by the state railway of Chile, Empresa de los Ferrocarriles del Estado (EFE). The railcars were used to service the electrified sections of line between Santiago, Valparaiso, Chillán, and Concepción, as well as used occasionally to service Temuco and Osorno. Six units were built and were numbered AEZ-41 to AEZ-46.