Amalgamated Pictures

Amalgamated Pictures was a film exchange company in Australia. For a time it was also a short-lived Australian film production company. Although none of its output has survived, it has been written that "judging by subjects chosen, the average length (4,000 feet) and the scale of Amalgamated's productions, the company was second only to Spencer's Pictures in its resolve to build a quality reputation for Australian features" in the Australian film boom of 1911–12.

Amalgamated Pictures

Amalgamated Pictures was a film exchange company in Australia. For a time it was also a short-lived Australian film production company. Although none of its output has survived, it has been written that "judging by subjects chosen, the average length (4,000 feet) and the scale of Amalgamated's productions, the company was second only to Spencer's Pictures in its resolve to build a quality reputation for Australian features" in the Australian film boom of 1911–12.