
Aruvi (transl. Stream) is a 2017 Indian Tamil-language sociopolitical film written and directed by Arun Prabu Purushothaman, in his debut film. The film features Aditi Balan, Anjali Vardhan, and Lakshmi Gopalaswamy in the lead roles, while Pradeep Antony and Mohammad Ali Baig play supporting roles. The film portrays the events that occur in the life of Aruvi (Balan), a rebellious young woman who seeks to expose the consumerist and misogynistic nature of modern civilisation, while attempting to find meaning during a period of existential crisis.


Aruvi (transl. Stream) is a 2017 Indian Tamil-language sociopolitical film written and directed by Arun Prabu Purushothaman, in his debut film. The film features Aditi Balan, Anjali Vardhan, and Lakshmi Gopalaswamy in the lead roles, while Pradeep Antony and Mohammad Ali Baig play supporting roles. The film portrays the events that occur in the life of Aruvi (Balan), a rebellious young woman who seeks to expose the consumerist and misogynistic nature of modern civilisation, while attempting to find meaning during a period of existential crisis.