Aspilia mossambicensis

Aspilia mossambicensis also known as Wild sunflower is a medicinally useful herbaceous plant of the family Compositae (Asteraceae). It is widespread with an anthropogenic distribution in central and Eastern tropical Africa from Ethiopia, through East Africa, the Congo, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Mozambique and South Africa. — Flora Somalia, (2000) - H. Beentje

Aspilia mossambicensis

Aspilia mossambicensis also known as Wild sunflower is a medicinally useful herbaceous plant of the family Compositae (Asteraceae). It is widespread with an anthropogenic distribution in central and Eastern tropical Africa from Ethiopia, through East Africa, the Congo, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Mozambique and South Africa. — Flora Somalia, (2000) - H. Beentje