
Calbia is a fictional country found in the Doc Savage novel The King Maker (1934). Calbia is a small Balkan nation in southeastern Europe. It lies on the Adriatic Sea and is bordered by Greece, Albania, Macedonia, Serbia, and Montenegro. There are farmlands in the valleys and some flatlands. Otherwise it is heavily forested, usually with firs, and mountainous. The nation is largely undeveloped, though not a poor nation. One section of Calbia is rich in petroleum fields and dotted with oil wells. Asphalt roads, air fields, and development derived from this petroleum money were spreading throughout the nation in the 1930s.


Calbia is a fictional country found in the Doc Savage novel The King Maker (1934). Calbia is a small Balkan nation in southeastern Europe. It lies on the Adriatic Sea and is bordered by Greece, Albania, Macedonia, Serbia, and Montenegro. There are farmlands in the valleys and some flatlands. Otherwise it is heavily forested, usually with firs, and mountainous. The nation is largely undeveloped, though not a poor nation. One section of Calbia is rich in petroleum fields and dotted with oil wells. Asphalt roads, air fields, and development derived from this petroleum money were spreading throughout the nation in the 1930s.