Gim Jil

Kim Jil (1422 – 24 February 1478), also often spelled Kim Chil, was a scholar-official of the early Joseon Dynasty. He is remembered today primarily for his participation in, and betrayal of, the conspiracy led by the six martyred ministers. In 1455, Sejo overthrew Danjong and seized the throne for himself. Gim joined other high officials in a conspiracy to return Danjong to the throne. However, he lost heart at the last minute and betrayed the other conspirators to King Sejo. They were arrested and tortured, and many were killed together with their families.

Gim Jil

Kim Jil (1422 – 24 February 1478), also often spelled Kim Chil, was a scholar-official of the early Joseon Dynasty. He is remembered today primarily for his participation in, and betrayal of, the conspiracy led by the six martyred ministers. In 1455, Sejo overthrew Danjong and seized the throne for himself. Gim joined other high officials in a conspiracy to return Danjong to the throne. However, he lost heart at the last minute and betrayed the other conspirators to King Sejo. They were arrested and tortured, and many were killed together with their families.