Interactive theatre

Interactive theatre is a presentational or theatrical form or work that breaks the "fourth wall" that traditionally separates the performer from the audience both physically and verbally. In traditional theatre, performance is limited to a designated stage area and the action of the play unfolds without audience members, who function as passive observers. Conversely, in interactive theatre, the performance engages audience members directly, making them active participants in the piece. Interactive theatre often goes hand in hand with immersive theatre, which brings the audience into the same playing space as the performers, obliterating any walls that separate the audience from the performers. They may be asked to hold props, supply performance suggestions (as in improvisational theatre),

Interactive theatre

Interactive theatre is a presentational or theatrical form or work that breaks the "fourth wall" that traditionally separates the performer from the audience both physically and verbally. In traditional theatre, performance is limited to a designated stage area and the action of the play unfolds without audience members, who function as passive observers. Conversely, in interactive theatre, the performance engages audience members directly, making them active participants in the piece. Interactive theatre often goes hand in hand with immersive theatre, which brings the audience into the same playing space as the performers, obliterating any walls that separate the audience from the performers. They may be asked to hold props, supply performance suggestions (as in improvisational theatre),