Lacus Clyne

Lacus Clyne (ラクス・クライン, Rakusu Kurain) is a fictional character introduced in the Japanese science fiction anime television series Mobile Suit Gundam SEED and appearing in the sequel Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny, both part of the Gundam franchise by Sunrise. In the start of Mobile Suit Gundam SEED, Lacus is a good natured and popular female vocalist from the space colony PLANT. Born as a genetically enhanced human, a Coordinator, Lacus is introduced when she is found in space by the battleship the Archangel, a ship of regular humans, the Naturals. Late in the war between the races of Coordinators and Naturals, Lacus becomes the co-leader of the Clyne Faction, joining with the Archangel to stop both sides from fighting. Lacus is voiced in the Japanese series by Rie Tanaka. In the Ocean En

Lacus Clyne

Lacus Clyne (ラクス・クライン, Rakusu Kurain) is a fictional character introduced in the Japanese science fiction anime television series Mobile Suit Gundam SEED and appearing in the sequel Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny, both part of the Gundam franchise by Sunrise. In the start of Mobile Suit Gundam SEED, Lacus is a good natured and popular female vocalist from the space colony PLANT. Born as a genetically enhanced human, a Coordinator, Lacus is introduced when she is found in space by the battleship the Archangel, a ship of regular humans, the Naturals. Late in the war between the races of Coordinators and Naturals, Lacus becomes the co-leader of the Clyne Faction, joining with the Archangel to stop both sides from fighting. Lacus is voiced in the Japanese series by Rie Tanaka. In the Ocean En