
Muthuramalingam is a 2017 Tamil-language action drama film written and directed by Rajadurai. The film features Gautham Karthik and Priya Anand in the leading roles, while Napoleon plays a pivotal supporting role. Soundtrack was composed by Ilaiyaraaja, song lyrics written by Panchu Arunachalam. The film had a theatrical release worldwide on 24 February 2017. This film received highly negative reviews from critics and was unsuccessful at the box office.


Muthuramalingam is a 2017 Tamil-language action drama film written and directed by Rajadurai. The film features Gautham Karthik and Priya Anand in the leading roles, while Napoleon plays a pivotal supporting role. Soundtrack was composed by Ilaiyaraaja, song lyrics written by Panchu Arunachalam. The film had a theatrical release worldwide on 24 February 2017. This film received highly negative reviews from critics and was unsuccessful at the box office.