Nelly Rapp – Monster Agent

Nelly Rapp – Monster Agent is a 2020 Swedish feature film directed by Amanda Adolfsson. Produced by Jon Nohrstedt and Niklas Larsson, the film stars Matilda Gross, Johan Rheborg, Marianne Mörck, Björn Gustafsson, and Lily Wahlsteen. Based on the titular Swedish children book character Nelly Rapp, the plot follows the story of Nelly who spends autumn break with her uncle Hannibal.

Nelly Rapp – Monster Agent

Nelly Rapp – Monster Agent is a 2020 Swedish feature film directed by Amanda Adolfsson. Produced by Jon Nohrstedt and Niklas Larsson, the film stars Matilda Gross, Johan Rheborg, Marianne Mörck, Björn Gustafsson, and Lily Wahlsteen. Based on the titular Swedish children book character Nelly Rapp, the plot follows the story of Nelly who spends autumn break with her uncle Hannibal.