Shock-mitigating suspension seats

Shock-mitigating suspension seats are designed to reduce the severity of vibration and mechanical shock. These seats are used in vehicles that operate in high exposure environments, such as high-speed watercraft, military platforms, construction, forestry and agricultural vehicles, and industrial trucks (such as fork lifts). A vehicle’s collisions with waves or rough terrain are a source of whole body vibration that may cause discomfort, acute injuries, and chronic pain among operators. The marine environment is particularly severe and people exposed to these conditions may experience unusually high injury rates.

Shock-mitigating suspension seats

Shock-mitigating suspension seats are designed to reduce the severity of vibration and mechanical shock. These seats are used in vehicles that operate in high exposure environments, such as high-speed watercraft, military platforms, construction, forestry and agricultural vehicles, and industrial trucks (such as fork lifts). A vehicle’s collisions with waves or rough terrain are a source of whole body vibration that may cause discomfort, acute injuries, and chronic pain among operators. The marine environment is particularly severe and people exposed to these conditions may experience unusually high injury rates.