Summer Brothers

Summer Brothers <<羽过天晴>> is a spin-off of popular series Forget Me Not, Summer Brothers reunites some original cast members such as Coby Chong, who plays Ah Di, a 28-year-old with a mentality of a 7-year-old, William San (Ah Di's brother Wei Zhong) and Remon Lim (Shu Xian, their mother).

Summer Brothers

Summer Brothers <<羽过天晴>> is a spin-off of popular series Forget Me Not, Summer Brothers reunites some original cast members such as Coby Chong, who plays Ah Di, a 28-year-old with a mentality of a 7-year-old, William San (Ah Di's brother Wei Zhong) and Remon Lim (Shu Xian, their mother).