Switchin' Kitten

Switchin' Kitten is a Tom and Jerry animated short film, released on September 7, 1961. It was the first cartoon in the series to be directed by Gene Deitch and produced by William L. Snyder in Czechoslovakia, after William Hanna and Joseph Barbera departed from MGM. It is also the first Tom and Jerry cartoon in the 1960s and the first of the Western cartoons that is made in Eastern Europe, as well as in an Eastern Bloc (Second World) country.

Switchin' Kitten

Switchin' Kitten is a Tom and Jerry animated short film, released on September 7, 1961. It was the first cartoon in the series to be directed by Gene Deitch and produced by William L. Snyder in Czechoslovakia, after William Hanna and Joseph Barbera departed from MGM. It is also the first Tom and Jerry cartoon in the 1960s and the first of the Western cartoons that is made in Eastern Europe, as well as in an Eastern Bloc (Second World) country.