William Morrison (gardener)

William Morrison was a Scottish-born gardener and plant collector employed by Kew between 1824 and 1839. Morrison made collections of botanical specimens in Trinidad, returning them to England for study at Kew Gardens. He accompanied James Stirling to the Swan River Colony and gathered material for the Proteaceae found in the same institution's herbarium. Notices on Morrison's collections were published by Kew in 1880 and 1891,

William Morrison (gardener)

William Morrison was a Scottish-born gardener and plant collector employed by Kew between 1824 and 1839. Morrison made collections of botanical specimens in Trinidad, returning them to England for study at Kew Gardens. He accompanied James Stirling to the Swan River Colony and gathered material for the Proteaceae found in the same institution's herbarium. Notices on Morrison's collections were published by Kew in 1880 and 1891,