Zheng Guangzu

Zheng Guangzu (simplified Chinese, 郑光祖 ; traditional Chinese 鄭光祖, pinyin Zhèng Guāngzǔ, courtesy name 德輝 Dé Huī) was a Chinese playwright, who was born in 1260 and died around 1320. He was one of the most celebrated of the playwrights who flourished during the second period of the zaju (雜劇, pinyin: zájù), the name given to the most highly rated form of opera during the Yuan dynasty, and of sanqu 散曲, pinyin: sănqŭ (a variety of Chinese fixed-tone song-lyric, with many different possible stanza-forms). He has traditionally always been numbered among the Four Great Yuan Dramatists (元曲四大家, pinyin: Yuánqǔsìdàjiā).Zheng Guangzu was born in Pingyang (today’s Hongchao, Xiangfen county, Shanxi province). Along with other playwrights, he helped to bring about the revival of interest in zaju drama th

Zheng Guangzu

Zheng Guangzu (simplified Chinese, 郑光祖 ; traditional Chinese 鄭光祖, pinyin Zhèng Guāngzǔ, courtesy name 德輝 Dé Huī) was a Chinese playwright, who was born in 1260 and died around 1320. He was one of the most celebrated of the playwrights who flourished during the second period of the zaju (雜劇, pinyin: zájù), the name given to the most highly rated form of opera during the Yuan dynasty, and of sanqu 散曲, pinyin: sănqŭ (a variety of Chinese fixed-tone song-lyric, with many different possible stanza-forms). He has traditionally always been numbered among the Four Great Yuan Dramatists (元曲四大家, pinyin: Yuánqǔsìdàjiā).Zheng Guangzu was born in Pingyang (today’s Hongchao, Xiangfen county, Shanxi province). Along with other playwrights, he helped to bring about the revival of interest in zaju drama th