Faith healing ministry of Aimee Semple McPherson

Aimee Semple McPherson was widely known for her work in faith healing ministries. This work, especially during her early revival meetings, helped catapult her career. Tremendous amounts of documentation attest to sick people coming to her by the tens of thousands. Many were healed temporarily, others for the rest of their lives. She would take no credit for the results and always insisted Christ the Great Healer was responsible. Epstein writes:

Faith healing ministry of Aimee Semple McPherson

Aimee Semple McPherson was widely known for her work in faith healing ministries. This work, especially during her early revival meetings, helped catapult her career. Tremendous amounts of documentation attest to sick people coming to her by the tens of thousands. Many were healed temporarily, others for the rest of their lives. She would take no credit for the results and always insisted Christ the Great Healer was responsible. Epstein writes: