
4,4-Diaminodicyclohexylmethane is the name for organic compounds with the formula CH2(C6H10NH2)2. It is classified as a diamine. In the epoxy industry it is often referred to as PACM, short for para-diamino­dicyclohexyl­methane. It is used as a curing agent for epoxy resins It finds particular use in epoxy flooring. Another use is to produce diisocyanates, which are precursors to polyurethane. The mixture is a colorless solid, but typical samples are yellowish and oily. The compound is produced as a mixture of three isomers by the hydrogenation of methylenedianiline. These isomers are, in decreasing order of their yield from the hydrogenation, trans-trans, cis-trans, and a small amount of cis-cis.


4,4-Diaminodicyclohexylmethane is the name for organic compounds with the formula CH2(C6H10NH2)2. It is classified as a diamine. In the epoxy industry it is often referred to as PACM, short for para-diamino­dicyclohexyl­methane. It is used as a curing agent for epoxy resins It finds particular use in epoxy flooring. Another use is to produce diisocyanates, which are precursors to polyurethane. The mixture is a colorless solid, but typical samples are yellowish and oily. The compound is produced as a mixture of three isomers by the hydrogenation of methylenedianiline. These isomers are, in decreasing order of their yield from the hydrogenation, trans-trans, cis-trans, and a small amount of cis-cis.