Abie Rotenberg

Abie Rotenberg (Hebrew: אברהם יום טוב רוטנברג‎) is a prolific Orthodox Jewish musician, composer and entertainer from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He has been producing music since the mid-1970s with a style which has been described as "soft and sweet" with a strong folk influence. Rotenberg grew up in Queens, New York, surrounded by other up and coming religious Jewish musicians, including , who directed the first Pirchei boys choir, as well as Rabbi Baruch Chait and who attended yeshiva with him. Rotenberg studied piano and taught himself guitar at a young age.

Abie Rotenberg

Abie Rotenberg (Hebrew: אברהם יום טוב רוטנברג‎) is a prolific Orthodox Jewish musician, composer and entertainer from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He has been producing music since the mid-1970s with a style which has been described as "soft and sweet" with a strong folk influence. Rotenberg grew up in Queens, New York, surrounded by other up and coming religious Jewish musicians, including , who directed the first Pirchei boys choir, as well as Rabbi Baruch Chait and who attended yeshiva with him. Rotenberg studied piano and taught himself guitar at a young age.