Adam Aptowitzer

Adam Aptowitzer is a tax and charity lawyer in Ottawa, Canada. He studied at the University of Ottawa Law School and subsequently opened his own law firm in Toronto, Canada in 2002. After three years, he merged his firm with the renowned Drache LLP charity tax law firm in Ottawa, Canada, where he currently practices law. In 2009, his study on the potential success for an Independent Charities Commission was published by the CD Howe Institute. Following this publication, Aptowitzer was invited to speak to several non-profit organizations across Canada.

Adam Aptowitzer

Adam Aptowitzer is a tax and charity lawyer in Ottawa, Canada. He studied at the University of Ottawa Law School and subsequently opened his own law firm in Toronto, Canada in 2002. After three years, he merged his firm with the renowned Drache LLP charity tax law firm in Ottawa, Canada, where he currently practices law. In 2009, his study on the potential success for an Independent Charities Commission was published by the CD Howe Institute. Following this publication, Aptowitzer was invited to speak to several non-profit organizations across Canada.