Architectural state

The architectural state is the part of the CPU which holds the state of a process. This is typically held in processor registers and includes: * Control registers * Instruction flag registers (such as EFLAGS in x86) * Interrupt mask registers * Memory management unit registers * Status registers * General purpose registers (such as AX, BX, CX, DX, etc. in x86) * Adder registers * Address registers * Counter registers * Index registers * Stack registers * String registers * Pipeline registers, between stages of an instruction pipeline

Architectural state

The architectural state is the part of the CPU which holds the state of a process. This is typically held in processor registers and includes: * Control registers * Instruction flag registers (such as EFLAGS in x86) * Interrupt mask registers * Memory management unit registers * Status registers * General purpose registers (such as AX, BX, CX, DX, etc. in x86) * Adder registers * Address registers * Counter registers * Index registers * Stack registers * String registers * Pipeline registers, between stages of an instruction pipeline