Basalt Rocks

Basalt Rocks (Turkish: Bazalt Kayalıkları) are volcanic rock outcrops in the form of columnar basalt located in Sinop Province, northern Turkey. The area is a registered natural monument of the country. It is 20 km (12 mi) away from the center of Boyabat in Sinop Province, and situated in Fındıklık location nearbay Kurusaray village. The basalt columns were formed about 3-5 million years ago according to research carried out by geologists from Mineral Research and Exploration Co. (MTA) and Dokuz Eylül University.

Basalt Rocks

Basalt Rocks (Turkish: Bazalt Kayalıkları) are volcanic rock outcrops in the form of columnar basalt located in Sinop Province, northern Turkey. The area is a registered natural monument of the country. It is 20 km (12 mi) away from the center of Boyabat in Sinop Province, and situated in Fındıklık location nearbay Kurusaray village. The basalt columns were formed about 3-5 million years ago according to research carried out by geologists from Mineral Research and Exploration Co. (MTA) and Dokuz Eylül University.