Battle of Labrytai

The Battle of Labrytai (Greek: Μάχη του Λαμπράι) was a battle around 380 BC that occurred nearly directly after Oktamasades usurped the Sindian throne from his father Hekataios and attacked and took the city of Labrytai, presumably a city under Bosporan rule. Leukon, the ruler of the Bosporan Kingdom, had made war upon Oktamasades on behalf of Hekataios, who was a vassal of the Bosporans prior to his removal from the throne.

Battle of Labrytai

The Battle of Labrytai (Greek: Μάχη του Λαμπράι) was a battle around 380 BC that occurred nearly directly after Oktamasades usurped the Sindian throne from his father Hekataios and attacked and took the city of Labrytai, presumably a city under Bosporan rule. Leukon, the ruler of the Bosporan Kingdom, had made war upon Oktamasades on behalf of Hekataios, who was a vassal of the Bosporans prior to his removal from the throne.