Bellevue murders

The Bellevue murders, or the Bellevue massacre, occurred on the night of January 3, and the early morning of January 4, 1997, when Alex Baranyi and David Anderson, both 17, lured Kim Wilson, 20, to a park in Bellevue, Washington. USA, and murdered her. Afterwards, they entered her family home and murdered Bill Wilson, his wife Rose Wilson, and their other daughter, Julia Wilson. Both Baranyi and Anderson were convicted and sentenced to serve four consecutive life sentences without the possibility of parole.

Bellevue murders

The Bellevue murders, or the Bellevue massacre, occurred on the night of January 3, and the early morning of January 4, 1997, when Alex Baranyi and David Anderson, both 17, lured Kim Wilson, 20, to a park in Bellevue, Washington. USA, and murdered her. Afterwards, they entered her family home and murdered Bill Wilson, his wife Rose Wilson, and their other daughter, Julia Wilson. Both Baranyi and Anderson were convicted and sentenced to serve four consecutive life sentences without the possibility of parole.