Bring Me a Letter from My Old Home Town

"Bring Me a Letter from My Old Home Town" is a World War I era ballad song released in 1918. A.G. Delamater wrote the lyrics and Will R. Anderson composed the music. It was written for both voice and piano. The song was published by M. Witmark & Sons in New York City. On the sheet music cover is a group of "greater Vitagraph players" sitting around a table, writing letters. Behind them is a service flag with a red border and one blue star.

Bring Me a Letter from My Old Home Town

"Bring Me a Letter from My Old Home Town" is a World War I era ballad song released in 1918. A.G. Delamater wrote the lyrics and Will R. Anderson composed the music. It was written for both voice and piano. The song was published by M. Witmark & Sons in New York City. On the sheet music cover is a group of "greater Vitagraph players" sitting around a table, writing letters. Behind them is a service flag with a red border and one blue star.