Cape Vankarem

Cape Vankarem is a cape in the Chukchi Sea on the northern coast of Chukotka between Cape Schmidt to the west and Kolyuchinskaya Bay to the east. It projects from a sandspit across the mouth of a lagoon into which flows the . At the mouth of the lagoon is the village of Vankarem, a Chukchi settlement. The area around cape Vankarem is bounded by narrow beach ridges and swales with numerous inlets and coastal lagoons.

Cape Vankarem

Cape Vankarem is a cape in the Chukchi Sea on the northern coast of Chukotka between Cape Schmidt to the west and Kolyuchinskaya Bay to the east. It projects from a sandspit across the mouth of a lagoon into which flows the . At the mouth of the lagoon is the village of Vankarem, a Chukchi settlement. The area around cape Vankarem is bounded by narrow beach ridges and swales with numerous inlets and coastal lagoons.