Castle Varrich

Castle Varrich (Scottish Gaelic: Caisteal Bharraich) is in the far north of the Scottish Highlands, near the village of Tongue. The castle is on a local high point of rock, overlooking both the Kyle of Tongue and the village of Tongue. The castle's precise origins and age are unknown. Varrich Castle has views of mountains Ben Loyal and Ben Hope. The castle has recently (2017) been updated to make it more accessible with a galvanised steel spiral staircase and viewing platform inside allowing visitors a higher viewpoint over the Kyle of Tongue.

Castle Varrich

Castle Varrich (Scottish Gaelic: Caisteal Bharraich) is in the far north of the Scottish Highlands, near the village of Tongue. The castle is on a local high point of rock, overlooking both the Kyle of Tongue and the village of Tongue. The castle's precise origins and age are unknown. Varrich Castle has views of mountains Ben Loyal and Ben Hope. The castle has recently (2017) been updated to make it more accessible with a galvanised steel spiral staircase and viewing platform inside allowing visitors a higher viewpoint over the Kyle of Tongue.