Cathedral of St. Mary Magdalene, Warsaw

The Metropolitan Cathedral of the Holy and Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene (Polish: Sobór metropolitalny Świętej Równej Apostołom Marii Magdaleny w Warszawie; Russian: Собор Святой Равноапостольной Марии Магдалины) is a Polish Orthodox cathedral, located at al. Solidarności 52 in Warsaw. It opened in 1869, serving the needs of a growing community of Russians settling in the area of present-day Praga Północ. During the Second Republic, the cathedral became one of two free-standing Orthodox churches in Warsaw, which were not destroyed or adapted for other purposes.

Cathedral of St. Mary Magdalene, Warsaw

The Metropolitan Cathedral of the Holy and Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene (Polish: Sobór metropolitalny Świętej Równej Apostołom Marii Magdaleny w Warszawie; Russian: Собор Святой Равноапостольной Марии Магдалины) is a Polish Orthodox cathedral, located at al. Solidarności 52 in Warsaw. It opened in 1869, serving the needs of a growing community of Russians settling in the area of present-day Praga Północ. During the Second Republic, the cathedral became one of two free-standing Orthodox churches in Warsaw, which were not destroyed or adapted for other purposes.