Charles Calthorpe

Sir Charles Calthorpe (c.1540–1616 ) was an English-born Crown official and judge in Elizabethan and Jacobean Ireland. Prior to his appointment to the Irish High Court Bench in 1606 he had been Attorney General for Ireland for more than 20 years, despite frequent criticisms of his professional incompetence. He was a close political associate of the Lord Deputy of Ireland, Sir John Perrot: Perrot's downfall damaged his career, but he was eventually restored to royal favour.

Charles Calthorpe

Sir Charles Calthorpe (c.1540–1616 ) was an English-born Crown official and judge in Elizabethan and Jacobean Ireland. Prior to his appointment to the Irish High Court Bench in 1606 he had been Attorney General for Ireland for more than 20 years, despite frequent criticisms of his professional incompetence. He was a close political associate of the Lord Deputy of Ireland, Sir John Perrot: Perrot's downfall damaged his career, but he was eventually restored to royal favour.