Charlotte Raven

Charlotte Raven (born 1969) is a British author and journalist. She studied English at the University of Manchester. As a Labour Club activist there in the late 1980s and early 1990s, she was part of a successful campaign to oust then student union communications officer Derek Draper. She was University of Manchester Students' Union Women's Officer in 1990-91 and presided over an election in which Liam Byrne MP failed to be elected as the Union's Welfare Officer. She later studied at the University of Sussex.

Charlotte Raven

Charlotte Raven (born 1969) is a British author and journalist. She studied English at the University of Manchester. As a Labour Club activist there in the late 1980s and early 1990s, she was part of a successful campaign to oust then student union communications officer Derek Draper. She was University of Manchester Students' Union Women's Officer in 1990-91 and presided over an election in which Liam Byrne MP failed to be elected as the Union's Welfare Officer. She later studied at the University of Sussex.